
I ask myself who I am every day during my morning meditation. The answer usually has something to do with being of nature, like a single drop of living being in the ocean of all living beings, trying to understand my connection and what it means to be alive and human at this time. In 2017 I ended an 8 year long relationship, took a year sabbatical from working as a high school teacher in Santa Cruz, CA and rented out my home to live a nomadic life in my van (named Wanda) and be in nature as much as possible. These blog posts track my journey of self discovery and adventure, as I create a new phase of life for me–one based on what drives me from the inside instead of what others think I should do. I’m learning to love and trust myself, as well as having a whole lot of fun experiencing many things I’d dreamed about for years.

During this time of recreating myself, I became a certified Big Leap Coach with the Hendricks Institute and completed a QiGong teacher training program with Holden QiGong. I am a mother of two delightful adult children. I love learning about sustainable living, permaculture, gardening, plant medicine and natural healing, and communication skills that connect rather than divide.